Terms and Conditions
India Hamburg L.M.T. is a licensed professional and held to the highest standards of the American Massage Therapy Association and National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork.
Massage Therapy is a profession in which the practitioner applies manual techniques, and may apply adjunctive therapies, with the intention of positively affecting the health and well-being of the client.
India Hamburg L.M.T. does not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions nor are they allowed to provide treatment for a specific condition without a doctor’s supervision. India Hamburg L.M.T. is required to refer you for diagnosis and to follow the recommendations of your physician.
All massages are for therapeutic purposes only.
All clients must complete a consultation form prior to treatment and will receive a brief consultation as part of their treatment.
Treatments will only be conducted if therapist deems the treatment safe for the client to receive.
Immediate termination of the session will ensue if the customer engages in illicit or sexually suggestive remarks, sexual advances, drug use, excessive drinking and/or other inappropriate behavior.
If the session is terminated due to the customer’s inappropriate behavior, the customer is responsible for payment in full and his/her credit card will be processed.
Notice of cancellation is expected at least 24 hours in advance for all clients. If you cancel under 24 hours, this will result in 50% charge of service.
No Call, No Show results in 100% charge of service.
If you are late, you will receive only the amount remaining of your scheduled appointment. The massage therapist has the right to charge the client in FULL for said services.
If you are continuously late, there will need to be a meeting between India Hamburg L.M.T. and client to discuss boundaries and how to best avoid for future appointments. If it continues after discussing, the massage therapist does have the right to fire clients.
India Hamburg L.M.T. reserves the right to cancel or reschedule appointments based on inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances. The massage therapist commits to providing treatments within two weeks of the canceled treatment where possible.
India Hamburg L.M.T. has the right to cancel a treatment without notice if the client is intoxicated or inebriated.
Client treatment details will not be discussed with anyone other than the client unless the client is under the age of 18 or has a care worker or guardian.
Consultations will only be discussed with the client unless the client is under the age of 18 or has a care worker or guardian.
Every client must complete an intake form prior to receiving treatment.
By signing the Intake forms, clients are giving India Hamburg permission to hold records and data concerning the person.
All intake and treatment notes will be kept securely on file.
Personal information will not be shared with any third party.
Clients under 16 years of age must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
The parent/guardian must give permission for the treatment to be performed, along with co-signing the Intake form.
Client’s over 16 years of age, parent/guardian has the option to be present in the room throughout the treatment.
If a client wishes to make a complaint about India Hamburg L.M.T., this must be emailed to india.hamburglmt@gmail.com
Complaints must include the date, location of the incident, the full name of the complainant, details of the complaint and a desired outcome.
All complaints will be taken very seriously and a response will be provided within 30 days.
India Hamburg L.M.T. is happy to adjust pressure, musical volume, work longer on an area or move on if you request it. The client may choose to refuse any massage methods and/or stop the massage at any time for any reason.
Requests for sexual activity will not be tolerated, will be viewed as a solicitation, and reported to the proper authorities under the guidelines of the India Hamburg L.M.T.'s policies and procedures. The client will NOT be rescheduled if this occurs.
The breast and genital area will not be massaged under any circumstances. A professional distance will be maintained from these areas. Also, hip & gluteal area will be massaged only on request.
It is the responsibility of the client to keep the their massage therapist informed of any medical treatment currently being taken, and to provide written permission from the physician, chiropractor, physical therapist, etc. that the massage may be continued. The client must also keep the their massage therapist informed of any changes in health conditions.
If you have any questions on the above information, please direct them to India Hamburg L.M.T. at india.hamburglmt@gmail.com
Please read the following Terms & Conditions prior to your first appointment. By booking an appointment with India Hamburg, L.M.T. you are agreeing to both abide by and be bound by the Terms & Conditions below.
If you have any questions about the Terms & Conditions below, please contact India for more information.